All MAC-Basketball-Last-20-Years 3rd Team


The title of this article sounds like something someone might come up with were they tasked with making a headline that would not elicit any clicks. If you have clicked on it, congrats. You must be a MAC basketball fan. Your friends probably don’t understand why you watch teams with no chance at winning a national championship, but you don’t need to justify your interests to them. We understand you here. Anyway, let’s get on with the list. First some criteria.

We have put together three teams. This is the worst of the three. The teams were assembled based on a player’s talent during his peak season. Players who played in the MAC after or during 1994 were eligible for consideration. This is not meant to be an All-Stats team. We reserve the right to put guys on these teams who never won MAC POY’s, but offer some asset that…

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